Steckst du in deinem Leben fest? Bestimmen Ängste, Panik, Depression dein Leben? Lebst du in Angst vor Menschen, fühlst du dich bedroht? lebst du in Selbstzweifel oder in Schuldgefühlen? Zieht das Leben dich insgesamt herunter, und du fühlst dich regelrecht am Boden? Kämpfst du mit Abhängigkeiten irgendeiner Art?
REBOOT Your Life! Starte dein Leben neu! Körper und Geist erhalten einen Kickstart, kurzfristig und andauernd. Wir zeigen dir das WIE in Gruppenseminaren, Boot Camps, und 1zu1 Sitzungen. Neue Energie und Lebenskraft, bessere körperliche Funktionen, und mehr Kraft, um mit den Herausforderungen des Lebens fertig zu werden!
Stuck in a rut? Do you experience anxiety, fear, panic? Do you feel threatened by people or is life dragging you down? Feeling down or depressed? Problems in life? Lacking self-esteem or are you haunted by your doubts? Trouble with substance abuse?
REBOOT YOUR LIFE with Body&Soul Reboot: seminars and boot camps for a KICKSTART of your power, energy, your strength, your ability to cope with life’s challenges and with people in general or partner issues
Body&Soul Reboot uses – among other technqiues – THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION, also know as MENTAL IMAGERY. Find out more about Visualization here…
Don’t wait. The time will never be more right, than RIGHT NOW!
BODY & SOUL REBOOT is a life management programme with combined mental and physical training. The goal and aim is to give YOU the power of your life, over your believes, over your thoughts, and to empower you thus to live the life that YOU want.
Depressive thoughts, dragging you back to the past or constant fear and a “emergency state” that come from tryining to live in and for the future, instead of living NOW. These two elements – which represent fundamental errors and which keep you from leading a harmonic, balanced and peaceful life – are the main causes for unhappiness and for illnesses.
BODY & SOUL REBOOT lets you root out these two errors, and restart a happy, healthy, harmonic life. If you are interested in more information, join and contact us right NOW via our FACEBOOK PAGE