The Fight Against Dishonest Debtors: Successful Debt Recovery Despite Fraud and Evasion
(c) Risk Radar – By Frank Michaels Sept. 2024
The rising number of dishonest debtors who avoid payment obligations through evasion or complex criminal structures is becoming a global issue. Companies are facing not only payment defaults but also a growing network of fraudulent financial schemes and shady business practices across national borders. The risks are particularly high in areas like investment fraud and crypto scams.
The challenge for companies is to recover their claims against debtors who use deception and evasion to dodge conventional recovery methods. While traditional approaches such as debt collection agencies, legal proceedings, or even police investigations often come up short—since these debtors are usually well-prepared and have meticulously planned their fraudulent actions—there are specialized methods that can provide a solution. One such method is the use of Private Intelligence, a strategy that goes far beyond standard collection and legal enforcement.
Private Intelligence – An Effective Answer to Fraudulent Debtors
Private Intelligence, or the application of intelligence techniques in the financial world, is no longer limited to governmental agencies. Since the 1980s, the Brillstein Security Group (BSG) has established itself as one of the leading international specialists in debt recovery and debtor tracking. What sets this approach apart from standard debt collection is the depth and breadth of the investigations carried out. While debt collection agencies often rely on legal notices and demands, BSG utilizes a global network, undercover operations, and specialized expertise to penetrate even the most complex debtor networks.
This approach is particularly relevant when debtors flee internationally, hide assets in complex corporate structures, or use digital currencies such as cryptocurrency to cover their tracks. In such cases, traditional methods quickly reach their limits. Private Intelligence, however, offers companies a viable path to enforce their claims, even in seemingly hopeless situations.
The Cost of Debt Recovery – A Necessary Investment
The question of cost naturally arises when discussing such comprehensive debt recovery investigations. Many companies hesitate due to the perceived high initial costs. But like any investment, the expense must be weighed against the potential recovery. Particularly in cases involving large sums, often due to investment fraud, financial scams, or fraudulent large-scale projects, the use of Private Intelligence is indispensable to recover the debt.
Eight key arguments explain why the cost of professional debtor investigations is not only justified but essential:
- Success Through Specialized Expertise:
Pursuing international debtors requires a level of specialized knowledge that far exceeds standard collection procedures. Only through skilled investigators with international connections and advanced technology can success in such cases be ensured. - Complexity of Debtor Evasion:
Debtors who evade their obligations through evasion or disappearing typically have well-prepared plans. Simple reminders or legal notices are ineffective with this category of debtors. - International Scope of Recovery:
Many debtors exploit the anonymity offered by internationally sprawling networks and structures. To uncover these networks, international investigations and close cooperation with local partners are essential. - Long-Term Financial Impact:
Abandoning a claim, especially involving large sums, can have far-reaching financial consequences for a company. The costs of professional debtor tracking are minimal compared to the potential loss. - Securing Liquidity and Financial Stability:
Companies relying on the recovery of their claims protect their financial future. Safeguarding these claims is a necessary part of long-term planning. - Responsibility to Shareholders and Stakeholders:
Companies have a duty to their shareholders and investors to take all possible measures to minimize losses. Failing to pursue large claims could be seen as negligence. - Long-Term Protection Against Further Fraud:
Companies that proactively combat fraud send a clear message: We won’t be deceived. This not only protects against current losses but also prevents future fraud attempts. - Avoiding Expensive Legal Disputes:
Lengthy legal proceedings are not only costly but often ineffective. The use of Private Intelligence often leads to out-of-court settlements, avoiding prolonged litigation.
The Threat of Crypto Scams and Fraudulent Financial Projects
One of the most current and growing threats to companies is crypto fraud. With the increasing spread of digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, fraudsters are finding new ways to evade creditors. These crypto scammers exploit the relative anonymity of blockchain technologies to cover their tracks. This presents significant challenges for traditional debt recovery methods.
However, Private Intelligence offers solutions here as well. Specialized investigators use modern methods to trace even the most complex cryptocurrency transactions and locate hidden assets. Especially when combined with global networks and cooperation with cybersecurity services, companies have a realistic chance of enforcing their claims despite these new technologies.

Conclusion – Private Intelligence as the Key to Success
Companies experiencing significant payment defaults, whether due to investment fraud, debtor evasion, or criminal activities, should seriously consider using Private Intelligence. The Brillstein Security Group, one of the few international specialists in this field since the mid-1980s, has become a leader in debt recovery through this approach. By employing global networks, undercover investigations, and advanced techniques like digital intelligence gathering, they offer a real alternative to traditional, often inefficient, collection methods.
The increasing number of fraudulent financial projects and the growing complexity of internationally operating debtors require innovative solutions that transcend borders. Companies that invest in such solutions not only protect their economic interests but also their long-term stability.
While the upfront costs of employing Private Intelligence may seem high, the long-term success more than justifies the investment—especially when the alternative is writing off large sums as lost.
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